In Russia, a bus passenger stabbed a man for making a remark

Category: Horrible video
10 June 2024

The young man did not like being called a deer.

The incident occurred on Wednesday morning. According to eyewitnesses, the young man was talking too loudly on the phone on bus No. 110c. An adult man reprimanded him and called him a deer. The youngster could not tolerate such an insult - a verbal conflict ensued, which quickly escalated into a knife fight. The guy pulled out a knife and stabbed the 47-year-old man twice in the leg, after which he ran out of the bus.
The moment a teenager attacks a passenger

It is reported that the victim lost a lot of blood; the knife blade touched an artery. Fortunately, eyewitnesses immediately provided assistance and the man safely waited for the ambulance to arrive. Now he is in the hospital.

As for the criminal, immediately after the incident he disappeared into the courtyards. His hysteria while telling a friend about the incident was caught on the intercom camera. Judging by the story, he talked with his mother on the bus. He asked her to transfer money to him and was very nervous, listening to moral teachings from her. And at that moment a man approached him.

“He says to me, “You’re a deer,” I say, “Who’s a deer? Will you argue for a deer? He comes up to me and stabs me, but I took out a knife and stab him in the leg. Yes, I stuck it in the leg, I there was blood all over the bus, there was so much blood pouring out of it, like from a dog,” the suspect told his friend, choking with tears.

The local police reported that thanks to the intercom camera they were able to identify the attacker, but have not yet been able to detain him. A criminal case has been opened.

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