In Russia, a former military man shot a business partner for a debt of seven million rubles.

Category: Horrible video
15 April 2024

The incident occurred in front of visitors to the Chabrets restaurant.

A meeting between two men in a restaurant ended in tragedy. On March 18, 40-year-old St. Petersburg resident Alexey Isakov, who had recently returned from the Northern Military District zone, was talking with an acquaintance. The latter owed Alexey a considerable amount. He brought part of the debt to the meeting, but apparently Isakov hoped to receive all seven million.

As a result, a conflict arose that quickly ceased to be languid. Isakov took out a pistol and shot his interlocutor several times - eyewitnesses say they heard at least three shots.

Carefully! The video contains a death scene!

The man died on the spot, and Isakov was quickly detained. He surrendered to the police without resistance.

According to media reports, the detainee has a rich past. He was serving a sentence in a colony for the theft of a safe and a trailer with an all-terrain vehicle; he was also sentenced for drunken driving, writes Fontanka. From the colony he ended up in the SVO zone, from where he returned, but apparently retained some of his asocial habits.

According to media reports, a large number of now inactive companies are registered with the detainee. In addition, he is the general director and owner of a construction company registered in the Leningrad region with annual revenue of 21 million rubles.

A criminal case has been initiated into the murder under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder). The murderer faces up to 15 years in prison.

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