Store employees beat up a man who committed a theft (3 photos + 1 video)

27 May 2024

Employees of a famous supermarket chain in London brutally treated a man suspected of theft. They dragged him into the back room and started kicking him. The shocked buyer recorded the incident on video.

A visitor to a Sainsbury's supermarket in London filmed a shocking scene: several store employees began beating a customer who had allegedly committed theft. First, the suspect was beaten and shouted at right in the hall, and then the man was dragged into a storage room, where they began to kick him. Officers can be seen kicking the man several times as he lies on the floor, before one of them notices he is being filmed and tries to cover the camera with his hand. After this, the shooting ends.

According to the author of the video, the employees treated the offender too harshly.

“Yes, the thief did some bad things, but he did not use violence against the store employees. He committed a crime, but did not deserve to be hit and kicked. I suspect that they stopped as soon as they saw that I was recording,” said author of the video.

According to witnesses, later the employees called the police so that law enforcement officers could deal with the case. After this, store employees testified. The incident is currently being investigated by the police.

Do you think they acted fairly?

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