Kangaroo unexpectedly attacked a little girl

Category: Horrible video
16 July 2024

In the Australian state of New South Wales, a kangaroo attacked a two-year-old girl. The father rushed to help the child. The moment of the attack was caught on video.

The footage shows that the girl was playing in the yard of the house when a kangaroo attacked her. The aggressive animal knocked the child to the ground, and then began jumping around and hitting him with its paws. “Our two-year-old daughter was attacked in the yard by a kangaroo on Saturday. It was a young male. He growled and grunted,” said the victim’s mother.

The girl’s father immediately noticed what had happened and ran to the rescue. He threw some object in front of the animal and it ran away. The man grabbed his daughter and took her into the house. It was later determined that she was not seriously injured. After the incident, the family decided to install a fence.

According to experts, kangaroo attacks in Australia are extremely rare. Only about five people a year are injured as a result of collisions with these animals.

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