In Russia, four unknown men kidnapped a woman who was walking with a stroller

Category: Horrible video
10 June 2024

After the abduction, the stroller was taken by a man with a child.

The strange and creepy abduction was captured on CCTV cameras in Ufa. A woman with an empty stroller was walking along the Ufa highway when suddenly four unfamiliar men blocked her road. After a short conversation, the woman was grabbed and dragged into a foreign car. She screamed heart-rendingly and resisted, but they still put her in the car.

As can be seen in the footage, the stroller was empty at the time of the abduction. However, after the abduction, a man approached her with a crying child in his arms and, as if nothing had happened, continued along the highway. Apparently, this is not just a stroller thief who happened to be nearby. Perhaps the man knew about the upcoming abduction and took the child from the woman in advance.

According to residents, the car of the thieves is now wanted - information has been sent throughout the city. It is unknown whether what happened, for example, was an “order” from the ex-husband or whether it was just a “prank.”

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