More than a dozen cats are forced to live in a tiny apartment hallway

Category: Horrible video
12 May 2024

After the death of the breeder, the new “owner” of the kittens imprisoned more than a dozen animals in a tiny corridor in the north of Moscow - the fluffies do not see daylight and starve, and they relieve all their needs in one tray.

A small nook without sunlight became the new “home” for a whole brood of cats - such a sad fate unexpectedly overtook the animals after the death of their owner-breeder in Otradnoye, when the lives of the four-legged animals fell into the hands of her son.

Volunteers drew attention to the kittens, doomed to survive with all their strength, because the man imprisoned them in a tiny corridor, and care for the health of the pets and feeding is carried out on an “as necessary” principle. Due to the lack of sterilization of the fluffies, there soon became 30 pieces. Now some of the tails have already been added, but 14 cats and kittens continue to struggle for existence in terrible conditions.

The animals do not see the light and starve, because the indifferent owner practically does not feed them: as neighbors note, he is practically never at home. Three trays without filler for more than a dozen animals - this is the “care” their new owner provided. Volunteers are trying to place the poor fellows in good hands.

Inadequate, condemning cats to certain death, apparently does not intend to help caring people: he ignores both neighbors and animal rights activists, and simply does not open the door to the local police officer.

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