Sellers at the market poured water on a tourist who lit a cigarette next to a gas cylinder
A British tourist took a cold shower against his will at a night market in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
The market often prepares hot food, for which the vendors use gas cylinders. And, of course, smoking near such cylinders is unsafe. At least one tourist ignored the sign banning smoking, and when one of the vendors made a remark to him, he rudely replied that there was no need to infringe on his freedom. Well, the vendors had to intervene in the situation and put out the cigarette by pouring cold water on it. Naturally, along with the tourist.
Fortunately, the incident did not cause a scandal, which could have been expected. Apparently, cold water really can calm passions. The tourist admitted his mistake, and the vendors apologized for going a bit overboard with their retribution.