A drunk man fell out of the window of a nine-story building and went about his business

Category: Horrible video
27 July 2024

Some media write that the man jumped from the 9th floor. Most likely they are exaggerating. However, if he had been sober, he would hardly have been able to get up.

In the Bashkir Sterlitamak, an extremely drunk man fell out of the window of a nine-story building, after which he was able to get up and return home without much effort. The “leap of faith” was captured by the intercom camera. The footage shows that the man first fell from a height onto the canopy, and then fell out of it onto the asphalt.

For the first few seconds the man showed no signs of life. A frightened woman passing by asked if he was alive, and then began asking other eyewitnesses to call an ambulance. However, at that moment the body began to move and even said something inarticulate. Despite the persuasion, the man asked not to call an ambulance and staggered into the entrance.

However, doctors were still called. But the call turned out to be almost false, since the man was not seriously injured.

“The doctors provided assistance and sent me home,” the press service of the Bashkortostan Ministry of Health reported.

Unfortunately, it is unknown from which floor the man fell. Local public pages write that from the ninth. But this information is unlikely to be true.

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