Animal activists found about 50 cats locked in a Krasnodar apartment

Category: Horrible video
10 July 2024

The owner recruited the mustachios from the street and organized something like a shelter, shocking the neighbors in the residential complex. The animals themselves don't seem to be happy either.

Zoo defenders fought their way into the “cat concentration camp” and filmed what was happening. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart: emaciated animals, mountains of garbage, an unbearable stench. In addition to unsanitary conditions and a terrible smell for several floors, the animals themselves suffer there. Many of them are malnourished and are not receiving veterinary care, people familiar with the situation said.

The owner of the apartment was also notified of the need to bring the premises into proper condition.

“The landlady doesn’t allow anyone into the apartment, but animal rights activists still managed to come in and film all the horror that was happening behind the front door,” writes the public page Gmrlive.

It is reported that the woman herself does not live in an apartment with cats, but only sometimes comes to feed them.

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