I beat my wife, not yours!: in Russia, her husband tried to kill a girl

Category: Horrible video
10 June 2024

The foreign specialist was sincerely perplexed as to why young people were interfering in their family conflict.

In St. Petersburg, a woman was rescued after she had already been cut by her husband.

Last evening a group of young people came to congratulate their friend on his birthday. Even before entering the entrance, the guys noticed a heart-rending scream. They rushed to help and saw a woman sitting on the asphalt with a bloody hand. She was clearly in shock and asked for help. It turned out that the victim was “punished” by her husband.

Carefully! Images of cruelty and profanity! We recommend that impressionable and pregnant women refrain from watching the video!


The victim immediately called an ambulance, and while they were waiting for the doctors, the young people caught up with the thug and tried to detain him.

He snapped and did not understand what they wanted from him. "She is my wife. “He beat his wife, he didn’t touch yours,” the migrant tries to explain, clearly not understanding that in our country any showdown of this kind, even family, is a crime.

Profanity and scenes of violence!

The aggressor was detained and handed over to the police.

“We took the criminal to the entrance where this was happening, after that we laid him on the grass, twisted his hands so that he would not escape, because he resisted, we waited for the police, she arrived quickly, processed him and took him to the department,” they say young people.

A 30-year-old woman with multiple wounds to her arm and abdomen was hospitalized at the clinic. Now, according to media reports, she is in intensive care. The attacker was sent to a pre-trial detention center. A criminal case was opened against him under the article of attempted murder. All the circumstances of the incident are currently being clarified.

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