A Los Angeles resident sat on a roof and fired at passers-by

Category: Horrible video
1 June 2024

Police cordoned off the area and told people to hide.

A man from Los Angeles armed himself, climbed onto the roof of a building in the Marina del Rey harbor area and opened fire on passersby. The crazed shooter also launched a live broadcast of his performance online, but it was blocked almost immediately.

Fortunately, his aim was not very good, so he didn’t hit anyone. People managed to hide in their homes, and the arriving police told them to keep their heads down. Although there were brave souls who filmed the shooter. If the idiot had fired more accurately, this would have been the last shot of the desperate cameramen.

He was later detained and taken to the police station. Now he will go to prison for a long time. Against this background, the United States again remembered numerous incidents of shooting people and started talking about limiting the sale of weapons.

But for now everything remains at the level of discussion - there are many more supporters of the free sale of firearms in a number of states than those who want to close this shop. There are also famous people among gun fans, like Clint Eastwood. He once spoke about the authorities’ call to hand over guns:

Asking people to give up their guns on the grounds that there are already too many of them around is like asking people to cut off their own balls because their neighbors have too many children.

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