In China, the wind carried away sleeping people from a multi-storey building

Category: Horrible video
28 May 2024

In the Chinese city of Nanchang, Jiangxi province, strong winds broke windows in a multi-storey building. Several people became victims of the disaster.

The incident occurred in Nanchang city, Jiangxi province, around three o'clock in the morning. Strong gusts of wind blew out windows in several apartments in a residential complex near the river. The frightening moment when a panoramic window was completely ripped off the wall of one of the rooms was caught on video. The footage shows how the mother manages to grab the child sitting on the sofa and run with him into another room.

However, not all residents of the complex managed to understand that they were in danger. So, in one of the apartments on the eleventh floor, the wind blew away not only the window, but also the mattress on which a 64-year-old woman was sleeping. Her partner woke up to the sounds of the storm, but when he ran into her room, the woman had already disappeared. Her body was later found near the building. The same fate befell another 60-year-old woman and her eleven-year-old grandson, with whom she slept in the same bed.

State media reported that four people were killed and ten others were injured due to extreme weather conditions. Later, journalists rented rooms damaged by the wind, in which only the heaviest objects remained.

Some Internet users linked the tragedy to the developer’s dishonesty and possible corruption schemes, due to which the building was put into operation without complying with the necessary standards. Some media outlets recalled a former developer manager convicted of paying bribes to government officials between 2004 and 2019.

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